Design Protection Strategies for Startups
Design Protection Strategies for Startups Startups in the digital realm, particularly those operating in the gaming industry, online games, app development, virtual reality, and the emerging metaverse, face unique challenges when it comes to protecting their designs. In a highly competitive and rapidly evolving landscape, design protection plays a crucial role in establishing a competitive […]
Different IP rights for same product
In the world of intellectual property (IP) rights, trademarks, designs, and patents serve as essential tools for protecting and commercializing innovative products and brands. While each of these rights offers distinct forms of legal protection, they often intersect and complement each other, allowing creators and businesses to secure comprehensive safeguards for their valuable creations. This […]
Medzinárodná registrácia dizajnu
Ako dizajnér nových produktov ste sa už veľmi pravdepodobne stretli s tým, že bol váš alebo cudzí dizajn bez dovolenia “požičaný” niekým iným. Pred takýmto nedovoleným zásahom môžete svoje dizajny chrániť prostredníctvom registrácie dizajnu. Zaregistrovaný dizajn požíva viac práv, máte vďaka nemu väčšiu právnu istotu v prípade uplatňovania svojich práv a zhodnocujete svoju tvorbu. V […]
Ako chrániť svoj dizajn?
Ako dizajnér nových produktov ste sa už určite stretli s tým, že bol váš alebo cudzí dizajn skopírovaný niekým ďalším. Pred takýmto neoprávneným zásahom môžete svoje dizajny chrániť prostredníctvom registrácie. Zaregistrovaný dizajn požíva viac práv, máte vďaka nemu väčšiu právnu istotu v prípade uplatňovania svojich práv a zvyšujete tak hodnotu svojej tvorby. V tomto stručnom […]
How to recognize Design Infringement
Recognizing and Responding to Design Infringement Design infringement poses a significant threat to the integrity, exclusivity, and commercial value of your creative works. When you discover that your design is being copied or imitated, it is crucial to take swift and strategic action to protect your rights. In this article, we explore the importance of […]
Why register your designs on international level
Why should you register designs on international level? Designs are the aesthetic creations that enrich our daily lives, encompassing a wide range of products and visual elements. To safeguard design innovations and facilitate their global protection, international registrations play a crucial role. In this article, we explore the significance of international registrations for designs, focusing […]
Introduction to Global Design Registration
Introduction to Global Design Registration In our interconnected world, where products transcend borders and innovation knows no bounds, securing global design registration has become essential for businesses seeking to protect their intellectual property on a worldwide level. The Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs provides a streamlined and efficient framework for obtaining […]
Design Protection in the Digital Age
Design Protection in the Digital Age In the fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape, design plays a pivotal role in shaping user experiences, enhancing brand identity, and driving business success. With the rise of digital applications, software, and the internet, the need to protect design in the digital realm has become increasingly crucial. In this article, […]
Design vs. Copyrights: Understanding the Differences
Introduction Design and copyright are two distinct forms of intellectual property protection that play a crucial role in safeguarding creative works. However, understanding the differences between design and copyrights is essential to determine the most appropriate type of protection for your creations. In this article, we explore the contrasts between industrial design and copyright protection, […]