Introduction to Global Design Registration

Introduction to Global Design Registration

In our interconnected world, where products transcend borders and innovation knows no bounds, securing global design registration has become essential for businesses seeking to protect their intellectual property on a worldwide level. The Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs provides a streamlined and efficient framework for obtaining design protection in multiple countries through a single application. In this article, we explore the significance of global design registration, the benefits of the Hague System, and the process of protecting your designs on an international scale.

The Need for Global Design Registration

As businesses expand their reach beyond national boundaries, the importance of global design registration cannot be overstated. We examine the reasons why businesses should pursue international design protection, including the preservation of exclusivity, prevention of unauthorized use, and the facilitation of international business operations.

Understanding Industrial Design Protection

Before delving into the intricacies of global design registration, it is crucial to grasp the fundamentals of industrial design protection. We explore the scope of industrial design, its role in product differentiation, and the legal framework that governs design rights worldwide.

Introducing the Hague System for Industrial Design Protection

The Hague System, administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), offers a simplified and cost-effective means of securing design protection in multiple countries. We provide an overview of the Hague System, its benefits, and the countries that are members of this international registration system.

Advantages of the Hague System

The Hague System offers numerous advantages for businesses seeking global design registration. We discuss the benefits of using the Hague System, such as the convenience of a single application process, cost savings, and the ability to manage and renew registrations efficiently.

Eligibility and Requirements for Hague System Applications

To successfully utilize the Hague System, it is important to understand the eligibility criteria and requirements for filing an international design application. We outline the key considerations, including the definition of a “design,” the countries covered by the Hague System, and the documentation and fees involved in the application process.

The Application Process

Navigating the application process is crucial for obtaining international design protection through the Hague System. We guide readers through the steps involved in filing an international design application, including selecting the designated countries, preparing the application documents, and submitting the application to the International Bureau of WIPO.

Examination and Registration

Once an international design application is submitted, it undergoes examination by the designated countries’ intellectual property offices. We explain the examination process and the factors that determine whether a design will be accepted or rejected. We also discuss the importance of maintaining compliance with each country’s specific requirements to ensure successful registration.

Managing and Maintaining Design Registrations

Securing design protection is just the beginning; effectively managing and maintaining registered designs is equally important. We provide insights into maintaining international design registrations, including the renewal process, the potential for design modifications, and the role of licensing and enforcement in protecting design rights.

Maximizing the Value of International Design Registration

International design registration offers significant opportunities for businesses to maximize the value of their designs on a global scale. We explore the potential benefits, such as increased market access, attracting investors, and leveraging design assets for licensing and commercialization.



In today’s globalized marketplace, protecting industrial designs on a worldwide level is essential for businesses to thrive and maintain their competitive edge. The Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs provides a valuable mechanism for obtaining global design protection efficiently and cost-effectively. By understanding the benefits of global design registration, the process involved in utilizing the Hague System, and the management of international design registrations, businesses can confidently protect their intellectual property and unlock the full potential of their designs in the global marketplace.

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Informatívna cena zahŕňa:

Toto bude osoba, na ktorú je štandardne vystavená faktúra. Tiež ide o osobu, ktorá bude zapísaná vo verejnom registri ochranných známok ako jej prihlasovateľ a v prípade registrácie ako majiteľ.

Kategorizáciu spravíme za Vás zdarma v rámci ceny služby.

Tu si môžete vybrať viac kategórii. Viac kategórii, v ktorých bude Vaša známka prihlásená, znamená aj vyšší poplatok príslušnému úradu. Väčšina ochranných známok sa "zmestí" do 2 až 3 kategórii. Pokiaľ chcete s výberom poradiť, môžete nás kedykoľvek kontaktovať alebo vpísať produkty, ktoré majú byť známkou chránené v ďalšom textovom poli.

Video, zvuk, vzor, farba alebo iný typ ochrannej známky.

Ochranná známka pozostávajúca z obrazových a slovných prvkov, napríklad logo s textom.

Ochranná známka pozostávajúca iba zo slov alebo bežných symbolov.

Známková ochrana v USA.

Známková ochrana vo všetkých členských štátoch Európskej únie.

Známková ochrana na území Slovenskej republiky.

Dizajn má individuálny charakter v prípade, ak celkový dojem, ktorý má na informovaného užívateľa sa odlišuje od celkového dojmu, ktorý majú na informovaného užívateľa iné dizajny zverejnené pred podaním prihlášky vášho dizajnu. Kontaktujte nás pre viac informácii.

Dizajn bude zverejnený v registri dizajnov ihneď po formálnom prieskume zo strany príslušného úradu.

V tomto prípade nemusí byť registrácia dizajnu už možná. Kontaktujte nás a zistíme ďalšie možnosti postupu.

Pôvodca dizajnu (osoba, ktorá vytvorila dizajn vlastnou tvorivou činnosťou), ktorý bude ako pôvodca uvedený v registri dizajnov.

Doložíte písomné vyhlásenie pôvodcu dizajnu o tom, že nechce byť uvedený ako pôvodca dizajnu v registri dizajnov.

Údaj bude zverejnený v registri dizajnov.

Ochrana dizajnu na úrovni všetkých členských štátov Európskej únie.

Ochrana dizajnu na úrovni Slovenskej republiky.

Kontaktná osoba:

Billing information:


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